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I am the witch’s tit. My bitch bra is made of silver–not brass. I make ice mirrors

and hand you froth. Call me Pola. Lusty wind diva. Cringe all you like.


Be warned: Jail break! I am no longer stuck to the cloverleaf of arctic. I swoop to

kick ass on your sad little towns, clog your straight-arrow roads, shiver your tim-

bers, and kill your weak. ICE? You ain’t seen nothing yet. I lock you homebound


and rub you raw. Plow me? I keep coming. I’m higher than kites, clouds, sky-

scrapers, and drones. My slip shows–flakey lace. White and quite long-wear-you-

down. Hah! I’m a swirling hurl-a-girl layback spin, skating your way on ice-sharp

blades. Flashing my flowing skirts–silver thaw and midnight blue.


You ignored me. You favored rant-chants about warming and ignored me. The

sea beneath me went soft. We are going to dance, you and me. Like it or not,

I lead the new dance. Buckle up! Snowshoes. All-wheel drive and all-weather



You don’t have time to tame me. I’m counter-clockwise. Pola revolutionary.


Fools unlocked the gate. I’m no more stay-at-home dame. Good times from Pola

Mama. You get what you deserve.

TRICIA KNOLL lives in the Vermont woods -- knows how frigid air has escaped the boundaries of the Arctic to freeze up her state. Nine of her full-length poetry books or chapbooks have been published. Her book of eco-poetry, One Bent Twig, details the ecology of trees she has loved and planted. She is a Contributing Editor to the online journal Verse Virtual. Website:


BRETT STOUT is an artist and writer originally from Atlanta, Georgia. He is a high school dropout and former construction worker turned college graduate and paramedic. His work has appeared in a vast range of diverse media, such as art and literature publications by NYU and UCLA.

See what this piece would have looked like in print!

2013 - Volume I.I

Mission Statement:

2014 - Volume 2

Hindsight strives to highlight voices from all walks of life by publishing creative nonfiction in all its forms. We aim to foster a diverse range of contributors and their distinctive content. Anything from poetry to memoir to comics is considered for our annual print publication each spring, all through blind review, and all creative nonfiction. With submissions open year round, authors and artists have the opportunity to be published in our print journal and growing online platform.

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