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To: Emma In Print!

JOAN McENHILL attends CU Boulder as a Junior in the BFA-Musical Theatre Program. Joan finds their passions in theatre and writing.​


DANIEL WORKMAN obtained his AAS from the Isaacson School for Professional Pho-
tography and graduated from CU Boulder. Daniel focuses his artistic energy into mediums
such as writing, photography, filmmaking, and songwriting. With an interest in culture, an-
thropology strongly influences the work he creates. Daniel’s accomplishments include work
with Pulitzer Prize winning photographers at the Eddie Adams Workshop in New York.

2013 - Volume I.I

Mission Statement:

2014 - Volume 2

Hindsight strives to highlight voices from all walks of life by publishing creative nonfiction in all its forms. We aim to foster a diverse range of contributors and their distinctive content. Anything from poetry to memoir to comics is considered for our annual print publication each spring, all through blind review, and all creative nonfiction. With submissions open year round, authors and artists have the opportunity to be published in our print journal and growing online platform.

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